
About Y.A.L.E.

Y.A.L.E., L.L.C., was founded in 2012. Upon adaptation of socio-political awareness, community service, wellness, and education. In 2017, Y.A.L.E. Forever was birth with a vision of uplifting communities by increasing access to these resources. Initially, the organization focused on providing its services to urban youth. However, as it adopted theoretical models that emphasized the effectiveness of change at all ecological levels, it expanded its services to urban families, institutions, and communities. Thus in 2018, the organization evolved into Y.A.L.E. Academy, L.L.C. Y.A.L.E. Academy aspires to provide services and leadership at the global and national levels and believes in declining its services to no one.


About The STRAP Program

S.T.R.A.P (Skilled Trade & Research Apprenticeship Program): An apprenticeship program in which youth learn skilled trades in a classroom-like atmosphere and then apply their lessons on a community service project site.

Apprenticeships sit at the nexus of education and industry, and the challenges faced have impacted the ability of young people to participate in school, the workplace, and apprenticeship programs. Schools, workplaces, students, and families have had to shift, adjust, and reconfigure new business ways. While several challenges arose, the apprenticeship ecosystem continued to function, providing benefits to young people, institutions, and businesses alike.


To reduce civism, expose participants, prevent crimes, and positively alter the mindset. In addition, participants are learning leadership skills and practicing a critical thinking mindset. Our goal is to have graduates leave with being better prepared to be agents of change in our communities and the world at large.

Induction Into Manhood

Induction Into Manhood Workshop will provide a way to create an intensive educational experience in a short amount of time when the time for a more comprehensive effort may not be available. Participants will receive new concepts, spurring participants to investigate them further on their own, or can demonstrate and encourage the practice of actual methods. Induction Into Manhood curriculum provides all resources necessary to facilitate an impactful 36-hour workshop. Incorporating the program values of mental health authenticity, relationship, communication, transparency, awareness, wisdom, social-emotional learning, active listening, and character development.